Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blessed Beyond Belief!

Usually on Tuesday mornings I will write my blog but today was an off day. The first Tuesday of every month Highlands has an all staff meeting; every campus pastor or nursery overseer, everybody! This morning I had the most amazing privilege and honor to sing with Pastor John Larson in front of the entire Highlands staff, including my wonderful pastor, Pastor Chris Hodges. I am so in awe of all of the opportunities God has given me. Anyone who has supported me; whether financially or prayers you play SUCH a huge role in this! God has placed so many amazing people in my life who see my potential and see what God is calling me to and invest so much time into me. There is no other way to describe this feeling other than blessed! 
This time last year I was in a month of prayer to see where God was wanting me to go. I knew I was going into the ministry but I didn't know how I would get there. Honestly if it wasn't for 2 of the most influential people in my life, Derrick and Valarie Blasczyk, I could honestly say I wouldn't be here. They pushed me, encouraged me and stood by my side through this process. I wont forget September 26, 2010 I sat on the floor of their living room and they prayed for me and told me to pray for the next month. Within the first week I knew I was called to 24/7 which is now Highlands College. I continued to pray and didn't move until that month was over and then with a lot of faith and trust in God a few months later I was here. 
I am so amazed at how far I have come in one year. God has transformed my life that I didn't think could happen for me. I am now looked as a leader and my whole life I have been a follower. I was intimidated by people but now I strive to make people better at their ability. I dreamed about being a worship leader and now I am one. I wasn't much of a bible reader but now I crave it! I once looked to worldly things to find my worth but now my heavenly father tells me what I am worth. I was so insecure but I am now secure in what God has made me and who He is through me.
I was reading the bible the other day and it said that he has created our inmost being and the hebrew translation for that means our personality, desires, dreams ect. He created all of that for a purpose! He placed those things in our hearts, minds, and souls so we can use them for HIS glory. I am so blessed with the things that he has created in me and it is the coolest thing to see him mold me into what I was designed to do! I know that the same power that conquered the grave lives in me and I cannot wait till the day that when I lead worship and the prophecy that was given to me happens and I see chains broken off people, demons casted out and see healing take place. 
I am so overwhelmed with God's love right now. I am sitting on my bed an tearing up and I feel God so thick in my bedroom that my legs and my hands are trembling. As I am writing I honestly think He is reminding me of where he has brought me and reminding me of his promises for me. The drive home tonight I cried out to God because I am stressing about finances. I have yet to pay off this year and I want to start getting ready for next year and it seems impossible. The Lord promised me in my month of praying last year that I would never be in need of money that he would provide for me for the rest of my life. But it is honestly really hard to believe it when it isn't in front of you. I am praying that I can trust him more everyday. The journey of coming to Birmingham was hard. There was a lot of tears and stress about money but I made it. And I am trying my best to believe it now. Becoming an adult is hard. Being in the ministry is probably even harder. My whole life I will have to live in faith and I need to learn now. ha! 
I honestly just want to thank anyone who has ever supported me in any way! I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for you! It honestly scares me to think of where I would be if I wasn't here. You are a big part in what God is doing in my life and from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU. I ask that you would continue to pray for me as I pray for you! I love you all and hope God blesses your socks off! 
PS: I am probably going to post another blog by the end of the week because tomorrow is a big day! I am getting baptized and I have some other news I would like to share with you! I definitely was not planning on writing all that I said but it was just on my heart. :) 
Once again I love you all! 

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