Saturday, November 12, 2011

Being in Gods Will

Hey Friends! So something that God is bringing up so much in my life is His will and being aligned with it. In the last post I told you guys that I feel so at peace and so content with my life because I know that I was designed to do what I am doing. Never in my life have I felt this content because I was never doing what I was purposed to do. Its not just with worship but with everything! I was supposed to learn the things I am learning right now because any other time I probably would have no idea what I was learning. Things that he is revealing and bringing out of me has perfect timing.
Several weeks ago I heard a message from Pastor Layne about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. I have been speaking in tongues since like 3rd or 4th grade but I have never heard a message on it and the power it has. I have seen people speak in tongues and someone else translating ha! Pastor Layne said that when we speak in tongues we are praying the will of God. That we are speaking in our heavenly language and God understands every sound. So when we are to weak in our flesh to pray; whether we're mad or hurt or any feeling that isn't of God we can pray his will. When he spoke this it was the beginning of the semester and since then I have put in practice. I try to speak in my heavenly language every day so I am aligned with his will. I believe because of this I am so content because his will is being done. I have gone through some rough things this semester and all I could do is speak his will and those situations that have been rough have turned around for his glory. I just cannot get over just how crazy that is!
Two weeks ago I met with one of my close friends at Starbucks and we just talked about Jesus. Which I am not use to sitting down one on one with a friend and we preach/teach each other about God. That is what I like to call a covenant friend :) Her name is Sandlyn and the girl is crazy anointed!  She described to me a thought of how it is to be in Gods will and since she has told me everyday I think of it and God has added more detail to it. This is what I have in my mind of Gods will.
It is like my life is a story book that God the Father wrote before the earth was created, he wrote everyone's story. This story is what his plan is for us, every second. I picture it as if when I get to heaven God takes my hand and we go and sit somewhere so he can show me MY book. As he flips through pages full of his beautiful handwriting he passes a page that has an "X" on top of what he wrote but he continues and flips by it as if it wasn't a big deal. I ask him, "What was that? Why is that X there" and he tells me, "This was what I wanted for you, this was the original plan." He flips the page and says, "... But this is what you chose, I knew you were going to choose it and the choice you made was simply a detour to get back to my original plan."
There are a lot of pages, I am sure that God has had to cross out for me but, I am back to his original plan. He changed some things around and he brought the page up again in a following chapter. He is so loving that he gives us a choice and he is so gracious and merciful that will gives us option after option until we choose the one He wanted. He is going to give it to us till the day we die. What you are designed to do will never leave you, it will be continually brought up in following chapters.
Now that I know I am where I was designed to be, now that I am back onto pages he intended all I need to do is rest. As long as I keep focusing on him the next page is His. I don't have to worry "will I be in his will tomorrow" because I am close to him so he will lead and I don't go into any opportunity without him with me and have his permission.
God's will brings rest, it brings contentment, it brings clarity. I am sure in the future I will chose something that He didn't want but he will keep writing and bring that opportunity again. I just don't want to miss the first one because it may be greater!

I love you all and I pray that you become close to his heart so your tomorrow's are his and not your own, believe me his are always better. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dream Big.

Hey Friends! Wow it has been a month since my last post and I am so sorry! This month has been a busy one, very eventful! Well I want to get back in the habit of letting you guys know what is going on in my life. So through out my posts I don't think I have filled you guys in on my dreams and the calling that I feel God has placed on my life, the reason why I am in ministry school. 
Well, it all started on a cold November day when I came into the world.. ha just kidding. But seriously, when I was thirteen I was told by my youth pastors wife that I would be a worship leader that led thousands and when I lead I would cast out demons and break chains off people. I thought this was pretty ridiculous because growing up in a family that was in the ministry I didn't want to go into the ministry. Yeah, I liked to sing but only like in the shower and around friends, not in front of "thousands." Well, needless to say a few years later I was one of the worship leaders in a different youth group and that is when the ball got rollin'. That is when I met one of my fave couples ever that I probably talk about in every post but my current youth pastors and friends Derrick and Valarie Blasczyk. I love how God brings people into our lives to help coach us into our potential and they have definitely done that! They saw something in me that I didn't see. By my senior year of High School I knew that I was supposed to be in the ministry not a nurse, which I was dead set on. Derrick and Valarie also knew this and did everything they could to get me where I am and I am so thankful for them.
So I am here in ministry school training to be a worship leader and since the day I walked into Church of the Highland I am constantly having dreams and visions that I know are from God. I know now I am suppose to lead in front of  "thousands." I know the power I have inside me (God) and that with him I CAN  do all the things I was told I would do.
Well to get to the point this is my dream/ vision. I have this dream/vision since last semester and God keeps adding more to it. My dream is to plant a Church in Australia with my husband. Where he would be the Senior Pastor and I would be the Worship Pastor. How freakin' awesome would that be?! There are so many small details about that and its so awesome!
Most of the prophesy that was spoken over me has happened and the biggest part will happen in the following weeks "thousands." I am an official front line worshiper at our church, which means I am one of eight singers who sing on Sunday mornings at Highlands. Last semester I made it my goal to be on this stage on Sunday mornings before Thanksgiving and I made it! This last week I sang at one of the other campus', this Sunday I will sing in the main sanctuary for the night service and the following week, my birthday, I will sing Sunday morning at our main campus in front literally "thousands." We have three services and seat 2,600 in the room, not to mention we are streaming online where people all across the world will watch.... Is this real life?!?! So I am fulfilling what God has called me to do! It is the coolest place to be.
Yesterday, we had chapel and the worship track leads worship, which these students are super talented its crazy! I sang one song, I will exalt you by Brooke Fraser, it is one of my faves! Well funny story: I am not a public speaker WHAT SO EVERRR I hate speaking in front of a group of people I can sing and that is about it. The main worship leader for chapel asked me a few weeks ago to pray in between songs and I said, "HECK NO!" ha I just don't like speaking. Well yesterday before service the team met and I felt like during my song God wanted to do some ministry time so I asked if I can flow more with it, thinking I would sing another chorus. Well when it came to my song I totally felt Jesus all over me! While the band did the intro I prayed... what?! me pray in front of people, this isn't normal! Well I begin to sing and God was kept telling me I needed to speak for a second and he would give me the words and I didn't for a second freak out! I just let it happen and when it did I never felt so confident in what I was saying because they weren't even my words. ha! After I spoke I finished the song and that was that. After worship I saw a tweet from my Pastor saying "@TrishaRowe is one of the most anointed worshipers I have seen! Watch and see what God does through her" I was freakin shocked and started crying haha, cause I'm a baby. Afterwards I have never had so many people tell me how "anointed" I was, its so cool cause I didn't do anything it was Jesus!!! When I first started leading I always wanted to be told I was "anointed" for selfish reasons. My Mom would say that my sister was an "anointed" worshiper and I sang pretty, and of course I was jealous. Granted my sister is crazy anointed and I am so proud of her. But when I when I pushed that aside and realized her calling and my calling are different and just worshiped God was able to use me.
I am so blessed that my dreams are coming true. I have never been so content in my life because I am right in the middle of what God has called me to do. I have never trusted him so much with my life! I honestly don't have a care in the world right now, like I know he's got it. I am finally stress free! I know I am coming back to do a second year, I don't have the money for it but God does! hahahaha! aaah He is so good! I am so happy with where I am at because this is what I was designed for!
I love you all so much! Hope you have an incredible day!
Ps. sorry that was all over the place and I rambled a lot but you know how I do. ha