Saturday, November 12, 2011

Being in Gods Will

Hey Friends! So something that God is bringing up so much in my life is His will and being aligned with it. In the last post I told you guys that I feel so at peace and so content with my life because I know that I was designed to do what I am doing. Never in my life have I felt this content because I was never doing what I was purposed to do. Its not just with worship but with everything! I was supposed to learn the things I am learning right now because any other time I probably would have no idea what I was learning. Things that he is revealing and bringing out of me has perfect timing.
Several weeks ago I heard a message from Pastor Layne about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. I have been speaking in tongues since like 3rd or 4th grade but I have never heard a message on it and the power it has. I have seen people speak in tongues and someone else translating ha! Pastor Layne said that when we speak in tongues we are praying the will of God. That we are speaking in our heavenly language and God understands every sound. So when we are to weak in our flesh to pray; whether we're mad or hurt or any feeling that isn't of God we can pray his will. When he spoke this it was the beginning of the semester and since then I have put in practice. I try to speak in my heavenly language every day so I am aligned with his will. I believe because of this I am so content because his will is being done. I have gone through some rough things this semester and all I could do is speak his will and those situations that have been rough have turned around for his glory. I just cannot get over just how crazy that is!
Two weeks ago I met with one of my close friends at Starbucks and we just talked about Jesus. Which I am not use to sitting down one on one with a friend and we preach/teach each other about God. That is what I like to call a covenant friend :) Her name is Sandlyn and the girl is crazy anointed!  She described to me a thought of how it is to be in Gods will and since she has told me everyday I think of it and God has added more detail to it. This is what I have in my mind of Gods will.
It is like my life is a story book that God the Father wrote before the earth was created, he wrote everyone's story. This story is what his plan is for us, every second. I picture it as if when I get to heaven God takes my hand and we go and sit somewhere so he can show me MY book. As he flips through pages full of his beautiful handwriting he passes a page that has an "X" on top of what he wrote but he continues and flips by it as if it wasn't a big deal. I ask him, "What was that? Why is that X there" and he tells me, "This was what I wanted for you, this was the original plan." He flips the page and says, "... But this is what you chose, I knew you were going to choose it and the choice you made was simply a detour to get back to my original plan."
There are a lot of pages, I am sure that God has had to cross out for me but, I am back to his original plan. He changed some things around and he brought the page up again in a following chapter. He is so loving that he gives us a choice and he is so gracious and merciful that will gives us option after option until we choose the one He wanted. He is going to give it to us till the day we die. What you are designed to do will never leave you, it will be continually brought up in following chapters.
Now that I know I am where I was designed to be, now that I am back onto pages he intended all I need to do is rest. As long as I keep focusing on him the next page is His. I don't have to worry "will I be in his will tomorrow" because I am close to him so he will lead and I don't go into any opportunity without him with me and have his permission.
God's will brings rest, it brings contentment, it brings clarity. I am sure in the future I will chose something that He didn't want but he will keep writing and bring that opportunity again. I just don't want to miss the first one because it may be greater!

I love you all and I pray that you become close to his heart so your tomorrow's are his and not your own, believe me his are always better. :)

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